Italian language

Dedicated Youtube channels
  • Scuola interattiva: channel dedicated to Italian literature from 14th cebtury to today
  • Santagata: From courtly lyric to courtly lyric

I don’t list them all because there are so many, the best thing is to browse the channels or carry out targeted searches

Linguistics and more
  • Google libri: search engine dedicated to books, which allows you to view a part of texts protected by copyright
  • LiberLiber: as the name implies, Free Books. Collection of copyright-free texts
  • Gutemberg: project that provides over 50,000 copyright-free ebooks in various languages, mainly in English but also in Italian lnguage
  • Antenati: an open source site with cards on the authors of European literature according to a chronological path
  • Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale: catalog that allows you to identify bibliographic sources
  • Biblioteca della letteratura italiana: hundreds of works by Italian authors from the 13th century to today in PDF format from the work of Italian literature Einaudi
  • Biblioteca dei Classici Italiani: collection of works by different authors, with different editions and critical essays
  • literary portal with links to various service sites useful for further information
  • Griselda: another portal dedicated to literature
Italian language for foreigner students