Checks, tests and quizzes

  • Kahoot: allows you to create interactive quizzes, which students can answer via BYOD (tutorial)
  • Socrative: quizzes and interactive tests, with apps for any device(tutorial)
  • Moduli Google: it also allows you to create quizzes and tests that will generate a spreadsheet with the answers; using the plugin Flubaroo, automatic correction is also possible (tutorial)
  • Forms: Office365 application that allows you to create polls, tests and votes (tutorial)
  • Quiznetic: allows you to create quizzes and interactive games
  • Quizlet: another application that allows you to create quizzes and find countless ones created by others (tutorial)
  • Flippity: tool that allows you to easily create flashcards using a google sheet and related add-on with questions and answers (tutorial)