
New site fabiofrittoli.it, with updated ECDL handouts and tests

My name is Fabio Frittoli, currently I teach Italian and history in a foreign language high school, inMonza (near Milan), but for many years I taught the same subjects in the middle school (6th to 8thgrade). Since 2012, I have also been working, part time, for the Ministry of Education Deputy Office in the Province of Monza and Brianza as the respoinsible for IT and Security.

Out of my personal and professional interests, I have been dealing with the use of new technologies inteaching, for many years.
As a self-taught individual, I have enhanced my skills in various fields:

  • Flipped classroom and other active didactic ways of teaching
  • use of Smartboards
  • responsible use of the Internet for preadolescent students, and training courses for teachers
  • Courses for middle school students to get the ECDL
  • Collaboration with Aica for the New Ecdl with free so
  • Website design for schools (and that’s not all…)
  • design, implementation and
    management of wired and wireless networks